Statistical Theory and Modelling, 7.5 hp

AI generated image of a mixture distribution


This is a course on the Master’s Program in Data Science, Statistics and Decision Analysis at Stockholm University.

The course is specifically designed to bridge between the basic course Statistics and Data Analysis for Computer and Systems Sciences, 15 hp and the master’s level course Bayesian Learning, 7.5 hp. The objective is therefore to provide a focused course in the probability, statistical theory and modeling needed to follow the Bayesian Learning course.


  • Mathematical methods: derivatives, integrals, optimization, numerical optimization, vectors and matrices.

  • Probability theory: discrete and continuous stochastic variables, density and probability functions, distribution functions, multivariate distributions, multivariate normal distribution, marginal distributions, conditional distributions, independence, expected value, variance, and covariance, functions of stochastic variables, sampling distributions, law of large numbers, central limit theorem.

  • Modelling and prediction: linear and non-linear regression, dummy variables and interactions, model selection, cross-validation, overfitting, regularization, classification, logistic regression, multinomial logistic regression, Poisson regression.

  • Inference: point estimation, bias-variance trade-off, maximum likelihood (ML), likelihood theory, numerical optimization for ML estimation, bootstrap.

  • Time series: trend and seasonality, autocorrelation, autoregressive models.



The course consists of lectures, mathematical exercises and computer labs.


The course is examined by a


The course schedule can be found on TimeEdit. A tip is to select Subscribe in the upper right corner of TimeEdit and then paste the link into your phone’s calendar program.

Formula cheet sheets

Interactive material

The course makes heavy use of interactive Observable notebooks in javascript that runs in your browser. The widgets will be linked below each relevant lecture. All widgets used in the course are available here.


Mattias Villani
Course responsible

Fasna Kottakkunnan
Computer labs

Ralf Xhaferi
Computer labs